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may, 2024

thu23may7:00 pmthu10:00 pmDiscussion with Haizam Amirah-Fernández on the conflict in Gaza, followed by cocktail at AbascalGEOPOLITICS

Event Details

On Thursday May 23th 2024, we organized a club discussion with Haizam Amirah-Fernández on the conflict in Gaza.

Haizam Amirah-Fernández is Senior Analyst for the Mediterranean and the Arab World at Elcano Royal Institute and Professor of International Relations at IE University. He specializes in international relations and political economy of the Middle East and North Africa, political Islam and transitions to democracy in the Arab world, where he has lived for over sixteen years.

Professor Amirah-Fernández has published extensively on Middle Eastern and North African affairs, and he is co-editor of books on North Africa and Euro-Mediterranean relations. He has lectured in universities in Europe, MENA countries and the U.S. He holds a BA from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and an MA in Arab Studies on a Fulbright scholarship from Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies. He completed his studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) and at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He has worked for the United Nations in New York and for Human Rights Watch in Washington DC and he is a frequent commentator in the Spanish and international media. He speaks Spanish, Arabic, English, and French.

In a close and relaxed atmosphere, Haizam gave us a master history class while explaining the current geopolitical situation in the Middle East, connecting the dots among the several players involved in that region. Furthermore, he analyzed the implications that this conflict, which at first might seem distant to us, has for Spain. Haizam gave as an empirical answer to what is at stake for all stakeholders involved.

We were especially happy to have 3 Georgetown students with us who are studying abroad in Madrid this semester. During the discussion, they contributed their points of view on the conflict and opened a debate about the media war that is taking place in the West.

Geopolitics-Gaza_Haizam Amirah Fernández_23.05.2024




(Thursday) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm



c/ Fernández la Hoz, 66


GeorgetownGeorgetown University Club of Spain